online form

To contribute to .able, you can submit your pre-contribution submission with this online form.
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To complete your pre-contribution submission online, please fill the following form. We will review your pre-contribution and get back to you. Submissions that meet our recommendations are more likely to be reviewed and to obtain a quick reply.

We recommend you to explore the different layout formats and the publishing process beforehand on contribute.

Guidelines are available to help you prepare your content before submitting it online.
download guidelines

We recommend that you save the information provided here offline to avoid data loss due to possible session problems.


fields marked with an * are required

general information

project team 

authors of the contribution

add as many authors as necessary

contribution author 1

main contact for the contribution*

this is the contact address that we will use to get back to you

about your project

project presentation*

a short text presentation with a clear research focus, its multidisciplinary methodology and its visual approach to publishing  (around 3000 characters, +5% max) an additional section is provided at the end of the form if you wish to add more information 

3150 of 3150 remaining characters


a selection of keywords related to the subject of the publication
(3 minimum – 10 maximum)

already existing keywords on .able

chose at least one already existing keyword on .able, preferably several keywords (10 max)

1 -
2 -
3 -

complementary keywords

add here your more specific keywords related to your project (100 characters maximum)

1 -

preselected .able layout

for your submission, you must choose one of .able‘s five original layout formats. Each format offers a different behavior and user experience, and each requires specific content for its production.

access layout formats information on contribute


upload images

one or several pictures with captions and credits and/or visual previews of the intented aesthetics in a .ZIP file (.JPEG or .PNG recommended for images ; 500Mo max)

file upload

if you created your contribution proposal offline, you can upload it here 

to add multiple files, hold down the ALT key

rights and references*

bibliography and references

illustrations information

online resources

link useful online resources (3 maximum)

further info about your visual approach*

2000 of 2000 remaining characters

additional information

1000 of 1000 remaining characters

by clicking on "submit", you won't be able to edit your pre-contribution submission
make sure that no information is missing

Please correct errors before submitting this form.